Automated Monthly Giving | Interac e-Transfer | Online Giving

We believe that part of being a Christ follower is being a good and faithful steward of everything God has given you — gifts, talents, abilities, time, as well as financial resources. We believe financial giving is an act of worship and believers are encouraged “to give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Thank you for your willingness to give towards what God is doing through Greenfield Community Church. Your generosity helps us continue our mission of seeing people transformed into disciples of Jesus who are growing in love for God, one another, and neighbours.

At Greenfield we have two primary funds:

  • General Fund. This money goes directly to the work of God’s kingdom locally and globally in accordance with our annual budget. This includes the local work of our church community, as well as supporting local and international missionaries and many organizations that are involved in the spread of the gospel and other practical, helpful ministries.
  • Benevolent Fund. On Communion Sundays (typically the first Sunday of each month), we encourage giving to our Benevolent Fund. This money is used by our pastors and leaders to help those with urgent, practical needs in our church body and beyond. To give to this fund just indicate “Benevolent” with your offering.

Ways to Give

For those who consider Greenfield their church home, we have a number of convenient ways to donate. Please note that some ways of giving incur more hidden processing fees than others (some indication of the fees are noted below). In addition, while we recognize some may prefer to give using Credit Cards, it is a desire of Greenfield Community Church that donors do not incur debt when giving to the church.

  • Giving Station. There is a Giving Station in the foyer with a terminal where you may donate via Interac Debit Card or Credit Card. Interac Debit cards have minimal processing fees. On Sunday mornings you may also may deposit your cheque or cash offering at the Giving Station (please note these are processed the next Sunday).
  • Automated Monthly Donations. For convenience and consistency in giving, incurring minimal processing fees, you can set up monthly recurring gifts using your bank account. You may download the form here, pick one up from the Welcome Centre on a Sunday morning, or contact the church office. Please submit the completed form to the church office (you may use the locked church mail slot by the front doors). You may change or cancel this giving at any time, subject to providing 14 days notice, by contacting the church office.
  • Interac e-Transfer. To give using Interac e-Transfer please use this email address to send your donation to Greenfield: In the note field of your transaction request, please indicate what fund(s) you are wanting your donation to go to. You can split your donation between funds if you so desire (e.g., if your donations is $100 your note could say – $50 GF, $25 BF, $25 RF or any other combination of amounts and funds you would like to support). The fund codes are:
    • General Fund (GF)
    • Benevolent Fund (BF)
    • Note that any donations made without a fund code will be considered a “General Fund” donation.

    The donations are automatically deposited into our account, so there is no need for a security question (if your bank requires a security question, send an additional email with the answer to your security question to so that we can accept your donation).

  • Online Donations. You may also donate online (a processing fee will apply) with a major Credit Card or with a Visa or Mastercard Debit Card through Greenfield’s Church Center Giving site (click here).
  • Donations by Mail. You may send cheques (made payable to “Greenfield Community Church”) to the church office: Greenfield Community Church, 3712 – 114 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6J 1M1

Donation tax receipts are issued by Greenfield Community Church annually in February.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Treasurer at