
Please join us in-person for our Sunday Morning Gathering at 10am.
The service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel

Our Sunday eBulletin may be found here: greenfieldchurch.ca/ebulletin.
To stay informed about events and opportunities related to our community of faith, you may want to subscribe to our weekly eBulletin here.

Find out more about who we are

We offer a number of ways for you to get connected, explore and grow in faith, and to serve our neighbourhood.

We gather Sunday mornings to worship in song, hear some teaching, and connect with one another.
Our Youth group meets Tuesdays and every other Friday night.
Find out more about our programming geared to kids.
Information about our current teaching and how you can access our previous sermons and teaching series.
More information about our various groups and how you can connect with others.
Find out what is happening in our community of faith.