What is CORE3?

This is a 26-week discipleship journey designed to equip followers of Jesus to discover, develop, and live out their unique calling within God’s kingdom. Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Cohort. CORE3 is currently scheduled to begin on Thursday September 26th, 2024.

What is the focus of CORE3?

Central to CORE3 is exploring our core commitments as Christ followers to grow in our love for God, one another, and our neighbours. Along with this threefold emphasis (UP:IN:OUT), we will focus on developing the character, convictions, and capacity that can enable us to impact the lives of others both inside and outside of our church. For each topic covered in this 26-week process, we will investigate the postures and practices that are important for us to internalize so that we can join God on mission and live out our faith in community with others.

Who is CORE3 for?

Are you hungry to serve God and wondering what he has next for you? Do you find yourself desiring to go deeper in understanding God’s purposes and his calling in your life? Have you been serving God for a while and feel like you’d benefit from a chance to be renewed? If you’re ready to be challenged to grow, you’re precisely the sort of person we hope to see join us for this journey.

How will I benefit from participating in CORE3?

Here are some things you are likely to experience as a result of your participation in this journey:

  • It will encourage your growth as a follower of Jesus and as someone who has an impact in the lives of others
  • It will enable you to gain a clearer vision of your own faith story and your unique gifts and calling
  • It will allow you to journey with a community of people who are focused on following Jesus
  • It will help you connect deeply with the mission and culture of Greenfield Community Church

What will CORE3 involve?

This is an intensive process requiring a high level of commitment. If you’re willing to make the investment, you will stand to benefit greatly from this journey. Participants in CORE3 will be part of weekly sessions extending between October and April.

  • Most weekly sessions will take place at the church building on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:10 PM.
  • Between each session, you will spend two to five hours per week studying Scripture, maintaining a prayer journal, and engaging in key practical learning experiences.
  • You will participate in two mandatory Saturday retreats. The first will take place on November 2, 2024, and the second one in mid-April 2025.
  • You will meet with a mentor on at least a monthly basis.
  • The total cost of participation is $250.00. This fee will help to cover the cost of your materials, self-assessment tools, and retreat participation. If you’re selected to participate in this process and you can’t quite fully afford to cover this fee, you may be eligible to receive a bursary from the church.

What will the weekly sessions be like?

Each session will incorporate a variety of methods and activities. Some of the things you can expect to experience during our weekly gatherings are:

  • Presentations from experienced and insightful speakers
  • Meaningful group discussions
  • Hands-on learning activities (some which may be off-site)
  • Group reflection on Scripture
  • Praying for one another

Who will be guiding this process?

Pastor Tyler is the primary facilitator of CORE3. In addition, students will benefit from presentations by experienced presenters drawn from within Greenfield family as well as some outside facilitators.

How do I express interest in CORE3?

If you have any questions about this journey, please feel free to talk to Pastor Tyler (phone 780-435-1060 or email tyler@greenfieldchurch.ca).