Stephen Ministries
Greenfield runs a Stephen Ministry program in order to provide one on one high-quality, confidential, Christ-centred care and support for people who are struggling through a difficult time in life. Whether experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or some other life crisis, Stephen Ministers will come alongside and provide support and care when needed. Referrals are usually made through one of our Pastors who will assess the most appropriate kind of care needed, and if it should be met by a Stephen Minister or in some other way.
A Stephen Minister is a person who is called into this ministry, selected, trained, commissioned, and supervised by Stephen Leaders to provide one-to-one Christian care to persons in need on behalf of the congregation. There is an initial fifty hours of training followed by twice monthly supervision and continuing education sessions. They are asked to commit to serving for at least two years. Stephen Ministers typically meet with their care receiver one hour per week.
A Stephen Leader has completed a Leader’s Training Course and directs Stephen Ministry in his or her congregation. The Leaders work directly with the Pastors to identify and match care givers and care receivers.
If you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening, please begin to prayerfully consider whether you might want to be part of this exciting ministry.
To read more information on the Stephen Ministry program, please see their website ( If you would like to find out more about the program at Greenfield, you may contact Pastor Chris or Pastor Sara-May.