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The Weight of Our Oneness: Loving One Another in a World of Division

October 18 @ 7:00 pm - October 19 @ 3:30 pm

Free – $25.00

2024 All Church Conference

The Weight of Our Oneness:
Loving One Another in a World of Division

With Wayne Stapleton 

Breakout sessions by Michael DeMoor, Jacquie Baker & Todd Weekes, Randal Rauser, and Lori Schmidt.

Division seems to be a hallmark of this age. In so many ways, institutions and people are finding themselves at odds with others, torn apart by tension. It is hard to understand what can be unifying nationally, relationally, or even in the church. In local churches, and at large in the overall Christian movement, unity is suffering. However, the work of God through Jesus Christ was intended to be a work of unity. Jesus taught the disciples to be unified with each other, and the Apostle Paul instructed the churches to be unified; unity is meant to be a hallmark of the church of Jesus Christ. However, we don’t see it. During the conference, we will explore the scriptural importance of unity for the church’s identity, for its witness, and for its work. Church oneness testifies to its character as a work of the one true God. Church oneness fortifies its witness to the powerful redemption of Jesus Christ. Church oneness is crucial to its effectiveness in Spirit-led ministry.

Additional Info: This conference will include snacks and beverages on Friday night as well as lunch on the Saturday. Childcare on Saturday (Kindergarten through grade six) is available.

Wayne Stapleton, VP of Cross-Cultural Engagement & Emerging Leader Engagement for the North American Baptist Conference. Wayne is a second career pastor, having worked as a financial analyst and management consultant before getting a seminary degree. Wayne was on staff at Grace Community Church in Detroit, Michigan for four years before leading a church restart in nearby Warren, Michigan. Wayne pastored Renewal Church for over 9 years. Since 2019, Wayne has been a member of the Executive Team of the North American Baptist Conference of churches. Wayne has been married to his wife Tonja for 25 years and have two sons, Stephen, in his second year of seminary, and Adam, who is a Senior this Fall at Kalamazoo College, just starting his last year on the football team.


Tentative Schedule 

Friday Evening (7:00-8:30 pm)

Welcome & Worship (7:00-7:30 pm)

Plenary #1: The Weight of our Oneness (7:30-8:30 pm)

Saturday (9:00am-3:30pm)

Coffee & Welcome (9:00-9:15 am)

Worship (9:15-945 am)

Plenary #2: The Witness of our Oneness (9:45-10:45 am)

Morning Breakout Sessions (11:00 – 12 noon)

What is mere Christianity? – Dr. Randal Rauser, Veritas Solutions. Jesus established one church, and yet today there are thousands of denominations which vary greatly in doctrine and practice. In the midst of all that complexity, what does it mean to be a Christian? In this talk, Randal explores the concept of “mere Christianity” to understand what it truly means to follow, and believe in Jesus. Randal Rauser is the Director of Faith-Based Organization Investigations at Veritas Solutions and was a theology professor at Taylor Seminary for twenty years. Randal has a PhD from Kings College, University of London, and is the author/co-author of sixteen books.

Empathetic Communication – Don’t Get Stuck in the Mudhole – Jacquie Baker & Todd Weekes, Stephen Ministers. In this session, Jacquie and Todd will talk about how empathy can help us navigate difficult conversations effectively. Empathy involves encouraging others to share their feelings and actively listening in a non-judgmental way. The Apostle Paul encourages this when he calls us to, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15). By creating a safe space, validating emotions, and suspending judgment, we foster deep, supportive connections, focusing on others’ experiences without dismissing or minimizing them. Jacquie Baker is Assistant Principal at Johnny Bright School in Edmonton and is a Stephen Ministry Leader at Greenfield Community Church. Todd Weekes is a social worker who has been practicing in the field for 33 years. He is currently a Team Lead in a government program supporting young adults transition into adulthood. Todd is also a Stephen Ministry Leader at Greenfield Community Church. He is passionate about growing people’s strengths in communication and networking with others.

Lunch (12 noon – 1:00)

Afternoon Breakout Sessions (1:00-2:00 pm)

Finding and Navigating the Faultlines – Dr. Michael DeMoor, The King’s University. We live in a world (and in churches, families, neighbourhoods) that are divided in a lot of different ways. Negotiating those divisions can be especially difficult when we don’t know where they are: which differences are divisions? Which divisions can be bridged and how? When can we hope for reconciliation or agreement, when must we settle for toleration, and what must we not tolerate? We will explore some of this terrain, focussing on figuring out what kinds of divisions we face in our lives in order to figure out where to go once we’ve identified them. Michael DeMoor is the Dean of Social Sciences and Professor of Social Philosophy at The King’s University. He has been at King’s since 2009 and teaches courses on (inter alia) human rights, markets and society, the history of political thought, democracy, and war and peace. In his spare time (such as it is) he enjoys birding, hiking, and arguing with people about hockey.

Bridging the Gap: Managing Difficult Conversations for Meaningful Connections – Lori Schmidt, President of Loral Management Group. Managing difficult conversations involves following the principles of James 1:19: Be quick to listen by understanding the other person’s perspective, slow to speak by carefully considering your words, and slow to anger by maintaining emotional control. These steps foster patience, grace, and meaningful connections in challenging discussions. Lori Schmidt is a facilitator and coach renowned for empowering non-profit agencies and business leaders to build resilience and foster collaboration. With extensive experience and a compassionate perspective as a Stephen Ministry Leader at Greenfield Community Church, Lori offers insightful guidance on developing meaningful strategies that enhance organizational and personal relationships.

Plenary Session #3: Working from our Oneness (2:15-3:15 pm)

Closing (3:15-3:30 pm)



October 18 @ 7:00 pm
October 19 @ 3:30 pm
Free – $25.00
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Tyler Williams


Greenfield Community Church
3712 - 114 Street NW
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